How ContentGo AI Helped GCS Network Create High-Quality Content and Become a Trusted Source

In the second half of 2023, GCS Network took a strategic decision to generate its content with AI that provides high-quality and valuable outputs. 


The objective of GCS Network was to streamline the content creation, enhance content quality and relevance, and improve timeliness and efficiency

GCS Network, a leading platform in the cybersecurity industry, has been committed to providing high-quality, insightful content to engage and connect the global cybersecurity community. 

For nearly five years, GCS Network generated content with in-house writers and freelancers, which often posed challenges in terms of consistency, quality, and timeliness.

The main goal:

GCS Network’s main goal was to become a trusted source of high-quality content in the cyber security industry, by providing valuable insights, updates resources and engaging the cyber security community. The team aimed to create a platform where professionals could find the latest industry trends, expert opinions, and comprehensive guides, and foster a sense of community among cybersecurity practitioners. 


What were the problems

Consistency and

Ensuring a steady output of high-quality and engaging content was challenging due to varying levels of freelancer commitment and expertise. Some content lacked the necessary depth of research and focus.

Timely Content

Delays were frequent as freelancers occasionally changed jobs or were unavailable, leading to setbacks in the content production schedule.


Recognizing the importance of content marketing as a key driver of growth, Qooper sought a solution to overcome this challenge and sought the expertise of ContentGo.


The manual processes of researching, drafting, and editing content were time-consuming, requiring significant effort to meet high standards.


Partnering with ContentGo AI

“Switching to tools like ContentGo AI has been transformative, especially given our SEO background. The speed of content production is excellent, allowing us to keep up with the rapid changes in the digital world. With ContentGo AI, we can quickly generate accurate, engaging, and SEO-optimized content, which is crucial in an industry where timeliness is everything.”

Tumay Ulustas Ertugrul | GCS Network

Content Production:

ContentGo AI generated content quickly and efficiently, maintaining high standards of quality and relevance.

SEO Optimization:

Given GCS Network’s strong SEO background, ContentGo AI’s capabilities significantly boosted the speed and effectiveness of content production.

Enhanced Content:

The time saved on content creation allowed GCS Network to focus on creating PDFs and infographics, and conducting special research, further enriching the content.


R Remarkable Results

Total number of impressions of the last 12 months:
0 M
Total number of clicks - last 12 months:
0 K
Total number of created
0 +
The number of organic keywords GCS gained
traffic from:
The number of keywords within the first
20 positions:

Increased Efficiency:

Adopting ContentGo AI significantly cut down the time needed for content creation.

Superior Quality and Relevance:

The AI consistently generated high-quality content that resonated with the GCS Network’s audience.

Prompt Content Delivery:

The platform's efficiency ensured timely production and publication, aligning with the fast-moving digital landscape.

Enhanced Content Strategy:

With more time available, GCS Network could focus on producing supplementary materials like PDFs and infographics, and conduct more comprehensive research.

from GCS Network

Switching to tools like ContentGo AI has been transformative, especially given our SEO background. The speed of content production is excellent, allowing us to keep up with the rapid changes in the digital world. With ContentGo AI, we can quickly generate accurate, engaging, and SEO-optimized content, which is crucial in an industry where timeliness is everything.

Tumay Ulustas Ertugrul

Some of Our Clients


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  • Create targeted briefs with the SEO Assistant
  • Run Keyword Research and SERP Analysis
  • Multiple templates
  • 110+ languages
  • Enhance content with AI Assistant
  • Bulk content creation