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Your Ideas

Elevate your content with our cutting-edge AI Assistant, designed to effortlessly expand on your ideas, provide concise summaries, and regenerate content based on custom prompts.

Include AI-generated images, creating a seamless blend of text and visuals that resonate with your audience—all within a single, intuitive interface.

Extend Text

Maximize your writing’s impact with Extend Text, a feature of our sophisticated editor that effortlessly enriches your content. Perfect for bloggers, copywriters, and creators, it transforms your core ideas into full, detailed narratives. Whether enhancing a blog, detailing a product, or developing a story, Extend Text deepens and refines your content, maintaining your original tone while adding substance, ensuring every piece engages and resonates with your audience. Experience the power of AI in elevating your content from concise to captivating.

Highlight the text and take action

Elevate your content with our cutting-edge AI Assistant, designed to effortlessly expand on your ideas, provide concise summaries, and regenerate content based on custom prompts.

Include AI-generated images, creating a seamless blend of text and visuals that resonate with your audience—all within a single, intuitive interface.

AI tools for small businesses - AI assistant

Keep working while your prompts come true

Elevate your content with our cutting-edge AI Assistant, designed to effortlessly expand on your ideas, provide concise summaries, and regenerate content based on custom prompts.

Include AI-generated images, creating a seamless blend of text and visuals that resonate with your audience—all within a single, intuitive interface.

Level-Up Your Content with ContentGo.AI


Frequently asked questions about Bulk Content Creation

Bulk content creation is basically any writing project that needs a large amount of content within a short period of time. 

A: The types of bulk content can differ from company to company but typically, they have the following standard requirements: 


1- High Volume and Fast Delivery: Bulk content projects demand substantial content delivered promptly to meet needs.


2- Need for a Team: Managing extensive projects and creating dozens of content in a short time requires a team of writers. 


3- Consistency: Maintaining a consistent tone and flow between the content is a must to stay within your brand’s guidelines. 


4- Cost Effectiveness: These projects are planned to be executed with set budgets, which may harm the quality of the content. 


5- Content Management and Publication: Having all this content in place is necessary to avoid duplications – and they must be published manually on the CMS. 


6- SEO Optimization: The content creation needs to be done with SEO in mind. All the content must be SEO optimized, and keywords must be researched accordingly. 

The bulk content creation tool of ContentGo covers this all for you!

A: This depends on your needs or the details of the projects. 

But the time can range between hours or days if you have hundreds of content waiting to be written. 

A: This can vary depending on your needs and the tool you use. 


If you were using a content writer, you would need to pay between $2,900 – $4,200 for 100 blog posts of 600 words. 

ContentGo AI offers affordable plans. 

Check the details on the pricing page. 

We know that you are committed on creating high-quality content, FAST!

Don’t let anything stop you!
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  • Create targeted briefs with the SEO Assistant
  • Run Keyword Research and SERP Analysis
  • Multiple templates
  • 110+ languages
  • Enhance content with AI Assistant
  • Bulk content creation