Do you know what we love about content?

The hidden power of it that helps businesses grow organically and, in fact, assist them with new customer acquisition and growth. 

Every single member of our team starts the day with a different question – all related to content. 

While the growth team works mainly on unique shortcuts and new templates and brainstorms ideas about empowering the outputs to help our lovely customers, the product and the UX team’s main agenda is improving the experience of our services – even 1% more each day. 

And the fan part is trying to figure out all these, levels up the power of the team as a whole. 

We have had experience in content marketing since 2014 - something rare to find, isn’t it?

After scaling our main company, Icerik Bulutu (or Content Cloud), to 3000+ customers, 30+ languages, and 82.540.000 annual written words, we launched ContentGo in 2018 to grow in multiple markets – mainly the US and the EU.

AI has always been a part of our agenda, and we took the first step back in 2016. We have always trusted Human Intelligence and firmly believe in combining it with AI. 

All the team members work from fingers to their bones to bring unique features and help you provide real value to your audience. 

Let’s move mountains together and make the impossible possible.

Rank or die, remember?

ContentGo AI is designed with ❤️ and passion to assist companies with speeding up and transforming their content creation processes. 

Ahmet Durmuşoğlu


Umut Bebek


Soner Alemdar

Product Manager

Alpgiray Kelem

Product Designer

Sanaz Kamali

Growth Manager

Enes Akgül

Growth Marketer

We know that you are committed on creating high-quality content, FAST!

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  • Create targeted briefs with the SEO Assistant
  • Run Keyword Research and SERP Analysis
  • Multiple templates
  • 110+ languages
  • Enhance content with AI Assistant
  • Bulk content creation